Romans 12:2 says, And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. We are not of the world; therefore, we shouldn’t think like the world thinks. Instead, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. To transform something means to make a drastic change. If your thoughts are anything like mine used to be, a transformation sounds like a good thing. I love the way the Merriam-Webster dictionary explains the word “renew.” It means, “to make (something) new, fresh or strong again.” New. Fresh. Strong. Talk about positive thinking! God is saying that if we want to drastically change our lives, we need to do some serious work on our thoughts. How? One step at a time. One thought at a time. Constantly on guard. Catching those treacherous trespassers and stopping them in their tracks.
Sounds pretty simple, but I assure you, it's hard work! Thoughts come and go by the hundreds, and to keep our emotions and actions in check, we need to closely monitor every idea that passes through our brain and run them through the filter of Philippians 4:8. If it's positive and uplifting, then it can remain. If not, give it over to God immediately. When you first begin, this is tedious and tiring, but after a while, you'll find that fewer negative thoughts are coming to mind, and this is a sure sign of progress.
Sounds pretty simple, but I assure you, it's hard work! Thoughts come and go by the hundreds, and to keep our emotions and actions in check, we need to closely monitor every idea that passes through our brain and run them through the filter of Philippians 4:8. If it's positive and uplifting, then it can remain. If not, give it over to God immediately. When you first begin, this is tedious and tiring, but after a while, you'll find that fewer negative thoughts are coming to mind, and this is a sure sign of progress.
The purpose of this page is to provide you with some resources you can use to fuel your mind with good, positive, Biblical messages. Below you'll find several video playlists of Bible studies that are guaranteed to fill your mind with spiritual truths while helping you to grow in the Lord. Some of the lessons are short while others are longer. Listen in the car, at work (if you're allowed), while doing housework or whenever you have the chance. If you're anything like me, it's during those times when my mind is allowed to wander freely that I get in the most trouble. Instead of allowing it free rein, use that time to nourish it with food from the Word of God. This will go a long way toward banishing anxiety and depression.